It's Monday, What Are You Reading?
Monday, July 24, 2017
Happy Monday! Here at TWR, we are soaking up every last bit of summer by reading as much as we can. We are beginning to think about our classrooms though and thinking about getting in there soon, are you? I know I personally like to have things done a little sooner than necessary because it makes those days right before school starts a little less hectic so spending time in my classroom unpaid is worth it for my mental health later!
I just finished Wishtree by Katherine Applegate and it met ALL the hype it’s been getting. I’ll be honest, this book is getting A LOT of buzz this year so I was nervous it wouldn’t meet those high expectations I had formed… but, let me tell you, IT DID! I’ve always liked trees, but now… I think I have an even bigger appreciation and love for them. Read it. You will not regret it!
What have you been reading and loving lately? What are you reading right now? We love to know what our readers are enjoying so let us know in the comments!
Just Finished: Two Highly Recommended Novels
Sunday, July 23, 2017
Playing Atari with Saddam Hussein
Goodreads Summary:
At the start of 1991, eleven-year-old Ali Fadhil was consumed by his love for soccer, video games, and American television shows. Then, on January 17, Iraq’s dictator Saddam Hussein went to war with thirty-four nations lead by the United States.
Over the next forty-three days, Ali and his family survived bombings, food shortages, and constant fear. Ali and his brothers played soccer on the abandoned streets of their Basra neighborhood, wondering when or if their medic father would return from the war front. Cinematic, accessible, and timely, this is the story of one ordinary kid’s view of life during war.
I know what you are thinking, the title makes you question it, right? But, boy will it ever make you reconsider questioning a book title again. I found myself turing page after page of this book wanting to know more about Ali and his life in Iraq during the Gulf War. It's interesting to watch a young boys viewpoints of his own country, then ran by Suddam Hussein, and how he felt about America, where he desired to be desperately. I was reading this story as my husband was watching Lone Survivor and I couldn't help but find myself crying for both sides of the war. Those who are innocent and stuck in an environment where they are pegged as guilty.
Ali's story is one that will resonate with young, middle grade students and will strike up conversations for days to come. Comes out in February 2018, but I highly recommend preordering this book so that the publishers know how desperately teachers want to instill empathy in their students.
The Epic Fail of Arturo Zamora
Goodreads Summary:
Save the restaurant. Save the town. Get the girl. Make Abuela proud. Can thirteen-year-old Arturo Zamora do it all or is he in for a BIG, EPIC FAIL?
For Arturo, summetime in Miami means playing basketball until dark, sipping mango smoothies, and keeping cool under banyan trees. And maybe a few shifts as junior lunchtime dishwasher at Abuela's restaurant. Maybe. But this summer also includes Carmen, a cute poetry enthusiast who moves into Arturo's apartment complex and turns his stomach into a deep fryer. He almost doesn't notice the smarmy land developer who rolls into town and threatens to change it. Arturo refuses to let his family and community go down without a fight, and as he schemes with Carmen, Arturo discovers the power of poetry and protest through untold family stories and the work of Jose Marti.
The way that Pablo intertwines all of the history of Latin America into a story instilling the importance of family, and never giving up, speaks to your soul. This was such a heart print book for me in so many ways. I love the way that it makes you laugh, and still sneaks in some ways to make you cry. You will cry tears of sadness, and tears of happiness. Pablo makes sure that you remember to be proud of who you are, your family, and where you came from, and to never forget how hard you worked or your family worked to get to where you are. This book will speak to middle grade students who find themselves wondering about their voice and where they fit in with their crazy family or friends, and all while trying to understand what these feelings about a girl are and how to handle that. This book will be included in my 2018 Mock Newbery for next year. I can't wait to book talk with my students. This book is already out and if you teach grades 5-8, I highly recommend ordering.
Smart Cookie Review: Cassie & Amber

What was it about Smart Cookie that made you want to read it?
Cassie - I loved Elly’s style of writing in Finding Perfect and I knew that anything by her I immediately was going to want to read. Then reading the back synopsis, I loved Frankie already.
Amber - I agree! After reading Finding Perfect and watching my kids go nuts for it, I knew that I would NEED anything that Elly writes! I first noticed how adorable the cover for Smart Cookie was and when I read the synopsis I felt that Frankie sounded very similar to Molly which put a huge sold sign up for me!
What was your initial reaction to Smart Cookie? Did it hook you immediately or did it take some time to get into?
Cassie - I was hooked immediately. Not long into the story it talks about how Frankie is a “barefooter” and that is SO ME. I couldn’t believe that someone else took notice of kids being barefoot that they would actually include that description in their writing, so I was super excited to have something in common with Frankie.
Amber - Ha! I love that! It’s nice when you relate with the main character. I loved the setting. The B&B and the characters all made me think of Stars Hollow from Gilmore Girls (which I’m a big fan of!). I also really connected with the theme that all families are not the same and your support system is your family no matter what that support system looks like.
Cassie - goodness, how do I choose one? I don’t exactly have one specific I don’t think. I LOVE that she writes notes to her mom. I think this could be a great discussion with students about why they think she does that and what they might do.
Amber - I also loved the notes to her mom! I don’t have any favorite quotes, but I loved the little bit of mystery this book had. What was going on with her grandma? What was going on with the B&B? What else was going on with her dad? I kept asking questions while reading and couldn’t wait to get some answers!
Cassie- the fact that it’s in a B&B and they live there. I think that’s super interesting. That could lead to a lot of discussions about how a lot of parents have businesses and the familiar actually live in that location as well. Such as in The Exact Location of Home by Kate Messner, one of the characters families owns a funeral home, and they live above it - those would be good books to do comparisons next year when Smart Cookie comes out. I also love the ghost hunt intertwined. Gives it a little something extra!
Amber - I absolutely LOVED the B&B setting and thought that the setting was an integral part of the conflict. Without the B&B and it’s financial problems much of the plot would fall apart. The setting lent itself well to providing many additional characters and situations that Frankie could get herself into!
Cassie - What was your inspiration for this story? Did you let Frankie take the lead?
Amber - I would also ask where the inspiration for the story came from and I’m curious how Elly wrote the story. Was the plot planned out? I would also ask Elly if she’s working on anything new for 2019! ;)
& check out Elly's other amazing story, Finding Perfect!
Author Spotlight: Jennifer Maschari
Wednesday, July 19, 2017![]() |
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Welcome to Teachers Who Read - we are students of Mrs. Thomas's class who have a love of reading and want others to know about our favorite authors!
Let's start things off with introductions, what is your name and where are you from?
Thanks so much for having me on your blog, Cassie. I am so exited to answer your students' questions! My name is Jen Maschari, and I am an author and teacher. I live in Columbus, Ohio with my husband and two English bulldogs, Oliver and Hank.
Tell us about your most recent book.
I'd love to! THINGS THAT SURPRISE YOU is about a twelve-year-old girl named Emily Murphy who tries to solve her friend and family problems by following the advice from self-help CDs she orders off an infomercial. Emily's parents have recently divorced, and her sister is returning home from a residential facility where she was receiving treatment for her eating disorder. On top of that, her friendship with her very best friend Hazel isn't the same. Emily is trying to figure out how to navigate all of the changes in her life!
When did you decide you wanted to be an author?
Great question. I've always loved to write. When I was younger, I would write funny poems in the style of Shel Silverstein. But I always thought that authors were these famous people who lived in castles, and that it wasn't a job for normal people like me! It wasn't till I got a letter back from a favorite author when I was in 6th grade that I thought maybe I could be one, too! Fast forward to 2010, I decided I wanted to try to write a book. I kept writing and practicing and getting better, and in 2016, my first book, THE REMARKABLE JOURNEY OF CHARLIE PRICE, was published!
What were your middle grade years like? 4th, 5th grade? Did you enjoy reading or writing?
Oh goodness, I LOVED to read when I was that age (I still do!). I would sit in the aisles of the library and collect this huge stack of books to check out. I was an active participant in the summer library program and couldn't wait to write down all of the books I read. I enjoyed writing, too! I wrote all kinds of things - poems, short stories, research reports, speeches.
What was your favorite book as a child? What's your favorite middle grade book currently (aside from your own)?
As a child, I could not get enough of the Babysitters Club, Sweet Valley Twins and all of the subsequent super specials that went along with them. I read a lot of Nancy Drew, too! Reading a series was like getting to visit old friends in every single book. I also enjoyed THE GIVER (I think I've read it 10 times!) and GOODNIGHT MR. TOM. It's very hard to pick a favorite. Books I've loved more recently would be Caela Carter's FOREVER, OR A LONG, LONG TIME and Esther Ehrlich's NEST.
What connections can students make with your book/books? Why should our teacher put your books in our library?
Whether a kid needs a book as an escape or as a hand on their shoulder that says, "Me too! I know just how you feel," I hope that my book can be that for that reader. I hope that readers will be able to make connections to their own lives. Middle school can be a tough time (it was for me)! I think there are some cool connections to other things, too - whether you like dogs or science or are obsessed with a favorite book series - I think there is something for you in my books!
If you could recommend any books to us as 4/5th graders, what would it be?
Oooh! I just finished Danielle Davis' ZINNIA AND THE BEES which was so fun! It's about a girl named Zinnia who is a yarn-bomber (cool, right?) and gets a hive of honeybees stuck in her hair. It was such a quirky and charming read, and I am certain that Zinnia and my main character, Emily, would be fast friends and commiserate about their problems together. I also loved Linda Williams Jackson's incredibly powerful book, MIDNIGHT WITHOUT A MOON. I am counting down the days till the sequel, A SKY FULL OF STARS, comes out. VILONIA BEEBE TAKES CHARGE by Kristin L. Gray is another one I'd suggest! It's so full of heart and the main character is incredibly memorable (just take a look at that book cover!)
Last question, any advice as young readers and writers?
Read, read, read! Write, write, write! Observe the world. Try new things. Know your work doesn't have to be perfect the first time (or the third time or the fiftieth time!) Know that your writing voice and story is powerful because it is unique to you.
Jennifer Maschari is a classroom teacher who writes books for young readers. She is the author of The Remarkable Journey of Charlie Price and Things That Surprise You. She has another stand-alone middle grade novel coming out in 2018 from Balzer + Bray/HarperCollins. Jennifer lives in Ohio with her husband and her two stinky (yet noble) English bulldogs, Oliver and Hank.
IMWAYR 7.17.17
Monday, July 17, 2017Let us know what you're reading in the comments below. And for more PB, MG, and YA reads check out the following blogs:
Top 10 Nerd Camp Tips
Hello! We have a guest blogger today! We have collaborated with Amanda from My Shoestring Life and put together some of our favorite pieces of advice for the quickly approaching Nerd Camp MI!
We LOVE Nerd Camp and over the years we have learned a thing or two. Check out our must-have #nErDcampMI tips! Shout out to nerdy author, Jess Keating for the blog post idea with her Nerd Camp tweets last week! Jess will also be at camp!
Amanda: Meeting authors, snapping photos, and getting them to sign
my books was one of the best parts of Nerd Camp! I came to camp last year with an entire tote bag of just books! Everyone was so gracious and friendly that I regretted not bringing a few more books. My students loved that some of their favorite books had special messages from the authors themselves. Those copies were quite the coveted reads!
This year, you’ll also want to bring a Sharpie or two because
there will not be a designated book signing.
Amanda: It was HOT last year! Some of the more crowded sessions
were standing room only and there was either little/no air or full out arctic blasts! Be prepared to be a little sweaty and at times quite cold. No one is super dressed up - shorts and your favorite nerdy tee are perfectly acceptable attire! And definitely wear comfortable clothes and shoes because you’ll be walking around all day.
Amanda: Definitely say hi! Meeting in real life is the best feeling - especially after many of us have tweeted and collaborated online!
Also, having a name tag really helps! I wore a nametag last year with my first and last name plus my Twitter handle! This was great because then people could easily approach me and introduce themselves. I also found it less intimidating if someone else was wearing a name tag, too! Then I was certain I knew who I was approaching and talking to. DIY your own simple one using an old button and some laminated cardstock!
Amanda: I bought a cheap lipstick charger from Amazon just for
Nerd Camp! I actually forgot it on Day 1 last year and my phone completely died! Between tweeting out memorable quotes and taking photos - my phone was dead by the time I reached our hotel. Definitely bring a charger because you’ll want to be able to take photos or live tweet during camp. Also, on Day 2 all the rooms and sessions are posted to Google Drive, so you’ll want your phone fully charged to help you find where you’re going!
Amanda: I also decided to volunteer this year at Nerd Camp Jr.! Last year, we were hanging out and talking with Mr. Shu after the sessions as the line for Nerd Camp Jr. was beginning to form. It was so incredible to see all those kids waiting for their own camp experiences. I knew I wanted to be a part of that experience this year and help out since it’s run entirely by volunteers.
Amber: Last year we signed up for the Nerd Run. For two (good) reasons. 1. You get a shirt that says “Nerd Run”! Who doesn’t want that?! and 2. You get there early and get some steps in which will boost your energy level throughout the day! You do not have to run, we walked almost the entire race last year and skipped a leg of the race because we weren't there to win a race, just to get some exercise in to start our day (and get our t-shirt. Ha!)
Amber: In true ed-camp style, you vote with your feet. There is nothing formal about this PD, in fact, it’s quite the opposite. If you’re sitting in a session that is not what you thought it would be, it is completely fine to get up and go to your second choice. There are SO MANY great presenters and sessions, there is no reason to continue sitting in a session that is not going to benefit you. Each year I print out the session descriptions for Day 1, which can be found here, and I narrow down my choices during our 8-hour drive to Parma. I always waver on my choices and usually change my mind at the last minute, but I am so grateful that the notes are posted online so I can read through them later! There are not session descriptions for Day 2 because those are determined on the spot! It’s really cool to see it all unfold and you don’t want to miss it! If you have a topic that you feel others could benefit from, you should think about hosting a session, your name and topic will
go on this storyboard along with your notes. In the past, I have learned a TON about technology and social media in the classroom, picture books, publishing, Mock Newbery and more!
Amanda: I totally agree with Amber! Nerd Camp is all about YOU and
what’s going to be the most beneficial to you and your students! On Day 2, you can move around session to session if it suits your fancy! You can also take a break if you’re feeling the need to chill out a bit and shop the mini-Book Bug bookstore that is set up on site! Also, don’t be shy - if there is something you want to know more about - put it on the topic board! You can go to a session as a leader or learner. I know personally, I learned so much from the Mock Newbery session last year even though I had already done some research on my own. I was also able to share some of my thinking with others who were just getting started!
Amanda: Definitely have a recent picture up prior to camp. While
many of us post photos of books (and/or dogs and kids), we don’t always post pictures of ourselves. It’s nice to put a face to a username before meeting up at camp!
And lastly….
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