My fourth graders are listening to The Peculiar Incident on Shady Street by Lindsey Currie and we are about halfway through the book (LOVING IT!). As class, we all wrote one line reviews expressing what we think so far of the story...

Mrs. Kuehler - Super-duper scary (in a good way) and is making my skin crawl!
Aden - It sounds so creepy (in the best way possible!)
Rylie - It’s very intense and super scary and it’s making me have goosebumps. It’s super creepy gives me shivers.
Chris - It’s scary and its making me feel like my house is haunted. I turned my Xbox off one time and it came back on.
Drake - Very scary and quirky. It makes my heart beat very fast.
Emma - It is very intense and I feel like I’m in the story. It gives me goosebumps and I can’t believe that her sketchbook has been drawn in!!?!?
Walker - It sometimes really freaks me out, and other times I am not scared at all.
Anna - It is thrilling because you don’t know what will happen next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Braydon - It is really freaky and really scary
Jordan - It’s really scary (in a crazy good way) and it makes me feel nervous.
Austin - It blows my mind in a good way and it is scary. It is good!
Ellis - I feel creeped out because I do not like scary books or movies.
Morgan - The book is very scary and creepy and is giving me goosebumps.
Finlay - This is the scariest book I’ve read, yet I can’t wait to see the ending.
Chanel - So scary it feels like it was my house and I moved to Chicago. It is the best book ever.
Nia - I’m creeped out and I can’t wait to find out what’s next because it’s so exciting and it spooks me out I just love it
Lila - Is so scary, I feel like I might fall off my chair.
Abdul - Is giving me nightmares and makes me scared when I get up at night.
Raegan - It’s sc.ary and it feels like it going to happen to me
Kiwi - It is like a middle school story but scary like :0 minds blown piz make more books like this one!
Austin – It is really scary it makes me shiver I wonder what will happen next
Hayden - It is very different from lots of the other books I have read.
Brittany - I feel good about hearing the rest of the story/I want to see where the story is going and what that doll is talking about. It’s getting scary by the moment and it feels like I´m in the story.
Connor - Very scary (in a good way). Kind of funny!
Jaiden - AWESOME!!!!!! But scary. Also fun but horrible when we have to stop. I feel scared, worried, and jumpy. I can’t wait for the end, literally, I CAN’T WAIT I’m so excited for the book to end but I wish it was a series of books so I could read the whole series I LOVE LOVE LOVE this book. I’m so excited to see what happens next time!!!!!!!!!!
Mattalyn - It is a very very scary book in a good way, great detail described in words, I want to see how it ends, it makes you very jumpy, sometimes I wonder if I was Tessa and what I would do and feel, VERY VERY interesting and brings you into another world.
Gwen - It has a lot of twists and turns and that's what I like SOOOOOOO AWESOME SOOOOO scary {in a good way} I love being scared so it's a good book for me to hear and so far it is amazingly awesome.
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