Hello fellow teachers and readers...
I am currently a fourth-grade teacher in St. Louis, MO. I have been a teacher for seven years. I have taught everything from Kindergarten to sixth-grade. I have yet to teach second and third :). I have a wonderful husband who loves to deal with all the books stacks around our house (lol, I'm waiting for him to buy me a new bookshelf). I also have four beautiful children (three girls and a boy). My oldest is 14, next in line is my book loving 11 year old, then there is my sweet 5 year old, and my little man who is 2 years old.
I love sharing how much I love books with my students. I do this in hope that they will also develop a love for books in order to become a life long reader. I currently have about 2,000 books in my classroom library. My library has grown over the years. Most of my books have been purchased by me, but some I have gotten through donations from students and parents, and also with the help of Donor's Choose. I always try to keep my library stocked with books my students are interested in reading.
I hope you enjoy all my advice and recommendations I have to offer here on Teachers Who Read! Till next time!!!
~Andrea :)
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